
She lived at a time when the social-political scenario in Germany had changed with the Nazi Regime, which led to political turmoil to the extent of the Second World War causing immeasurable misery and chaos. As a teacher of History, Maria’s mind was very much disturbed about the situation in Germany. All the more she was troubled with the experience of the miseries of the people outside the convent walls and her inability to act upon the situation.

In deep faith and contemplative prayer, Maria began to ponder over everything that was happening around her. She sought the Lord for a sign to act upon the present scenario. Maria was a devotee of our Lady and her motherly concern for the people longed for a solution. She desired to go out and serve the people who were struck with misery. It was in 1941 that for the first time, she began to listen to God’s voice speaking to her and envisaged the formation of a group of consecrated people living in the world to sanctify the world from within.

She continued her prayer in deep faith and trusting in the providence of God asking for a sign. Through several days of intensive prayer and meditation, mostly during the Eucharistic celebrations, the Lord revealed His plan for her. Trusting in the assurance the Lord has given, she took up the challenge and dared to realize the mission she is called for. She writes in her spiritual diary about her experiences of the Lord’s encounter with her.

During the Holy Mass Jesus allowed me to have an inner vision about a mission that I am allowed to accomplish in honor of the Father. Es solleine Schwestern gemeinschaft entstehen, die das Leben Christi in der welt Mitlebensoll; in der Welt abernicht von der Welt.” Establish a community of sisters, who should live the life of Christ in the world; in the world but not of the world. The new way of life shall enable the sisters to serve the apostolic mission of the church with readiness of a handmaid. (June 5, 1943).

After obtaining permission, Maria founded the Ancillae Secular Institute in the Diocese of Augsburg on July 4, 1946, after being relieved from her congregation.

She bravely departed from traditional religious life and adopted a new form without the usual external signs such as religious attire and communal living. She named her followers Ancillae and introduced them as 'Carmelites in the street,' emphasizing contemplative prayer over physical walls.

The Juridical recognition of Secular Institutes was accepted in the Catholic Church in 1947. In 1962, Vatican II documents "Gaudium et Spes" and "Lumen Gentium" spoke of a path to perfection through engaging with the world, while the definition of Secular Institutes was laid out in "Perfectae Caritatis" in 1965. As a visionary woman of the 20th century, she was keen to listen to God's voice according to the signs of the times.

Spiritual Heritages by Maria Radlmair

Vow of Love

As Maria Radlmair turned forty, she blossomed into a woman of deep knowledge and serious outlook, with a deep love for the Church and the world. Through the promptings of the Spirit, she experienced a new spiritual awakening. God took over her heart for a unique mission: to teach a universal language and a ‘new path’ to change the ‘history’ of people and bring out a new ‘religious’ outlook.

On January 2, 1940, after much prayer and reflection, Maria Radlmair made a definitive and personal dedication to the Lord, which led her to new perspectives on her religious beliefs. Seeking to understand God's will, she became completely open to the Spirit's guidance regarding her divine calling. With unwavering dedication to God's will, she made her "vow of love."

To abide fully in His Love

To do what His love desires

To bear what His love chooses

To surrender myself always to His love.

Herself into leaven of love and get it mixed with the world to make it leavened, leavened with love. In her great awakening, she realized that running away from the hostile world was not a solution to heal the world. She wanted to be the salt that would heal, the light that would show the way to a better world.

The "vow of Love" was Maria's expression of deep yearning for love in a world filled with terror and persecution. She aspired to transform the world's attitude into that of Jesus and be a source of love and guidance amidst fear and hostility.